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Python的Java Celery项目相当于什么?

更新时间:2022-06-23 05:32:20

Celery所做的工作与 EIP href ="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enterprise_Integration_Patterns"> EIP 和 SEDA 以及方便的任务计划...(您要做的就是添加一些数据库,然后异步HTTP网络,您便拥有完整的企业质量堆栈.

What Celery is doing is very much akin to EIP, and SEDA with convenient task scheduling... (all you have left to do is add some DB, and async HTTP networking and you have got a complete enterprise quality stack).

基本上,在Java中,有Spring方法,Java EE方法和Hadoop方法:

Basically in Java there is the Spring way, the Java EE way, and the Hadoop way:

  • 春季:春季集成+春季批处理+ RabbitMQ
  • Java EE: Mule + Quartz或EJB调度+ HornetMQ
  • Hadoop:: Capacity + ZooKeeper
  • Spring: Spring Integration + Spring Batch + RabbitMQ
  • Java EE: Mule + Quartz or EJB Scheduling + HornetMQ
  • Hadoop: Capacity + ZooKeeper


Those are roughly in order of ease of setting up.