
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2021-12-01 05:47:06


You're aware that sortedArrayUsingDescriptors: returns a new (sorted) array, correct? If you want to sort the array in-place, then you need to make sure that personArray is an NSMutableArray and use its sortUsingDescriptors: method.



Perhaps taking a look at the two methods will be more beneficial:

-[NSArray sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:];
-[NSMutableArray sortUsingDescriptors:];


The first one starts with an adjective and a noun. The adjective describes the noun. The noun indicates that it is the return value. Since the noun is "array", it would make sense that the return value of the method is an NSArray. Since the adjective is "sorted", we can therefore assume that the returned array will be in some sort of order (the order being specified by the "using" the "descriptors").


The second one starts with a verb. Since a verb is an action word, we can deduce that this is actually a behavioral method that will modify the receiver itself. Since the verb is "sort", we can therefore assume that the receiver will be in some sort of order after the method has completed.


Other "method pairs" that follow this pattern:

  • -[NSString stringByAppendingString:]-[NSMutableString appendString:]
  • -[NSArray filteredArrayUsingPredicate:]-[NSMutableArray filterUsingPredicate:]
  • -[NSCharacterSet invertedSet]-[NSMutableCharacterSet invert]
  • ...还有许多其他人
  • -[NSString stringByAppendingString:] and -[NSMutableString appendString:]
  • -[NSArray filteredArrayUsingPredicate:] and -[NSMutableArray filterUsingPredicate:]
  • -[NSCharacterSet invertedSet] and -[NSMutableCharacterSet invert]
  • ...and many others

由于您使用的是第一种方法(sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:),因此必须检索该方法的返回值;否则,您将一无所有地完成所有这些工作.如果要就地"对数组进行排序(即直接修改接收器,并且不给 一个新的NSArray),则personArray 必须 NSMutableArray,并且您必须使用sortUsingDescriptors:方法.

Since you're using the first method (sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:), you must retrieve the return value of the method; otherwise you're doing all this work for nothing. If you want to sort the array "in place" (ie, modify the receiver directly and not be given a new NSArray), then personArray must be an NSMutableArray, and you must use the sortUsingDescriptors: method.