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C#性能代理服务器(vs C ++)

更新时间:2022-06-27 05:54:29

你可以在C#在关键瓶颈点使用不安全 C#代码和指针,以使其运行更快。这些行为很像C ++代码,我相信它执行快速

You can use unsafe C# code and pointers in critical bottleneck points to make it run faster. Those behave much like C++ code and I believe it executes as fast.


But most of the time, C# is JIT-ted to uber-fast already, I don't believe there will be much differences as with what everyone has said.

但你可能需要考虑的一件事是: (C#)字符串操作比在C ++中有效地使用指针更慢。使用C ++指针比使用CLR字符串有更多的优化技巧。

But one thing you might want to consider is: Managed code (C#) string operations are rather slow compared to using pointers effectively in C++. There are more optimization tricks with C++ pointers than with CLR strings.


I think I have done some benchmarks before, but can't remember where I've put them.