
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-04-11 06:04:43


invalid element state: Element must be user-editable in order to clear it.


...implies that the element identified was not in a user-editable state to invoke clear() method.

要在带有 Angular 元素的下拉列表中插入日期,有两种方法:

To insert a date with in a dropdown-toggle with an Angular element there are two approaches:

  • 您可以在日历上click()并使用sendKeys()
  • 插入日期
  • 或者您可以使用executeScript()调用removeAttribute() 只读属性.
  • Either you can click() on the calendar and insert a date using sendKeys()
  • Or you can use executeScript() to invoke removeAttribute() the readonly attribute.


However, as per the HTML you have shared it seems the element which gets populated with the date string i.e. 2019/11/21 is not readily available within the HTML DOM. So we can infer that the following element gets added to the DOM Tree as a result of interaction with other WebElements which is as follows:

<p ng-if="displayEndDate" class="ng-binding ng-scope">2019/11/21</p>


  • 首先在HTML中的 WebDriverWait 中容易使用的元素上调用click().
  • 接下来在新创建的元素 WebDriverWait 上调用sendKeys().
  • 代码块:

  • First to invoke click() on the element readily available within the HTML inducing WebDriverWait.
  • Next to invoke sendKeys() on the newly created element WebDriverWait.
  • Code Block:

//element -> myclass.SetDateByXpath("//a[@class='dropdown-toggle' and @id='enddate-dropdown']"
// observe the change in the ^^^ xpath ^^^
//value -> myclass.GetDate("yyyy/MM/dd", mydate));

public void SetDateByXpath(String element, String value)
    WebElement webElement = ExplicitWaitOnElement(By.xpath(element));       
    WebElement webElement_new = ExplicitWaitOnElement(By.xpath("//a[@class='dropdown-toggle' and @id='enddate-dropdown']//p[@class='ng-binding ng-scope' and @ng-if='displayEndDate']"));


You can find a relevant discussion in: