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Rails Devise:设置密码重置令牌和重定向用户

更新时间:2022-02-02 18:16:13


A simple way to have just one step for users to confirm email address and set initial password using the link you proposed...


Send one email your app generates, including a reset_password_token, and consider user's possession of that token confirmation of the validity of that email address.


In system account generation code, assuming User model is set up with :recoverable and :database_authenticatable Devise modules...

acct = User.new
acct.password = User.reset_password_token #won't actually be used...  
acct.reset_password_token = User.reset_password_token 
acct.email = "user@usercompany.com" #assuming users will identify themselves with this field
#set other acct fields you may need


Make the devise reset password view a little clearer for users when setting initial password.

<%= "true" == params[:initial] ? "Set your password" : "Reset your password" %>


Generated Email

Hi <%= @user.name %>
An account has been generated for you.
Please visit www.oursite.com/users/password/edit?initial=true&reset_password_token=<%= @user.reset_password_token %> to set your password.


No need to include :confirmable Devise module in your User model, since accounts created by your app won't get accessed without the reset_password_token in the email.


Devise will handle the submit and clear the reset_password_token field.

请参阅 devise_gem_folder / lib / devise / models / recoverable.rb database_authenticatable.rb 有关 reset_password_token 方法和朋友。

See devise_gem_folder/lib/devise/models/recoverable.rb and database_authenticatable.rb for details on reset_password_token method and friends.

如果要使用Devise :可确认模块而不是这种方法,请参阅 Devise wiki页面

If you want to use Devise :confirmable module rather than this approach, see the Devise wiki page.