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如何在实体框架中获取 SQL Server 序列的下一个值?

更新时间:2021-07-18 06:38:06

您可以在 SQL Server 中创建一个简单的存储过程来选择下一个序列值,如下所示:

You can create a simple stored procedure in SQL Server that selects the next sequence value like this:

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GetNextSequenceValue 
    SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR dbo.TestSequence;

然后您可以将该存储过程导入到实体框架中的 EDMX 模型中,然后调用该存储过程并获取序列值,如下所示:

and then you can import that stored procedure into your EDMX model in Entity Framework, and call that stored procedure and fetch the sequence value like this:

// get your EF context
using (YourEfContext ctx = new YourEfContext())
    // call the stored procedure function import   
    var results = ctx.GetNextSequenceValue();

    // from the results, get the first/single value
    int? nextSequenceValue = results.Single();

    // display the value, or use it whichever way you need it
    Console.WriteLine("Next sequence value is: {0}", nextSequenceValue.Value);

更新:实际上,您可以跳过存储过程,直接从您的 EF 上下文运行这个原始 SQL 查询:

Update: actually, you can skip the stored procedure and just run this raw SQL query from your EF context:

public partial class YourEfContext : DbContext 
    .... (other EF stuff) ......

    // get your EF context
    public int GetNextSequenceValue()
        var rawQuery = Database.SqlQuery<int>("SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR dbo.TestSequence;");
        var task = rawQuery.SingleAsync();
        int nextVal = task.Result;

        return nextVal;