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身份验证认为Azure AD在IIS上托管的应用程序中

更新时间:2022-05-11 06:39:54

是的,绝对有可能通过ASP.NET 5和MVC 6应用程序的Azure Active Directory(AAD)对用户进行身份验证.

Yes, it is definitely possible to authenticate users through Azure Active Directory (AAD) for ASP.NET 5 and MVC 6 application.

您可以使用Microsoft发布的 Azure Active Directory身份验证库 nuget来管理应用程序中的AAD身份验证.

You could use the Azure Active Directory Authentication Library nuget published by Microsoft to manage the AAD authentication in your application.


Note: The current stable release of the above nuget does not support ASP.NET 5.

您将需要使用较新的预发行版本以获得ASP.NET 5支持.

You will need to use the newer pre-release version for ASP.NET 5 support.

参考: Active Directory身份验证库NuGet页面
