
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-02-25 06:13:23



1. It would be a lot easier to answer questions if the questions were crystal clear and supplied all of the necessary information.


2. If you are referring to the built-in columns, maybe you can do it but I wouldn't. Actually, you can't rename them, you can only give them a title, which only applies when the column appears in the table that was the active table when you made the title. Did you do it do it by right clicking on the column heading and then going to field settings? If you did that, it clearly says it is the title, not renaming. The name of a column is something else. Did you give it a title by going to view, tables, more tables. This would allow you to change the design of the table, including titles for the columns in that table, turns out to be the same as the field settings. It is interesting that in the default entry table, the name of one of the fields is "Name", but its title is "Task Name". Why is it so? I think it is there like that to provide an example of the difference between a name and a title. The name is permanent, but the title is temporary.


3. It is always a good idea to rename a custom field so that you can remember that you have used it and don't accidentally overwrite it. Do it do it by right clicking on the column heading and then going to custom fields.
