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WPF textBox中的选择性文本着色

更新时间:2022-06-19 07:39:54

您可以在< TextBlock>中指定文本子集的颜色。或< RichTextBlock>使用< Run>元素:

You can specify the color of a subset of the text in a <TextBlock> or <RichTextBlock> using the <Run> element:
<Run Text="Hi" Foreground="Black">
<Run Text="my" Foreground="Black">
<Run Text="name" Foreground="Black">
<Run Text="is" Foreground="Black">
<Run Text="Rohith" Foreground="Red"><Run Text="." Foreground="Black">


You can use data binding to build this dynamically.

谢谢Matt T Heffron的解决方案。以下是我在代码背后的做法

Thanks Matt T Heffron for the solution. Here is how I did it on code behind

FlowDocument fldoc = generateFlowDocument(MyList);
richTextBox.Document = fldoc;

private FlowDocument generateFlowDocument(List<Tuple<String,int>> MyList)
    FlowDocument fd = new FlowDocument();
    System.Windows.Documents.Paragraph para = new System.Windows.Documents.Paragraph();
    foreach (Tuple<String,int> word in MyList)
        Run run = new Run(word.Item1 + " ");
        run.Foreground = returnBrushColour(word.Item2);
    return fd;

private Brush returnBrushColour(int colour)
    if (colour == 1)
        return Brushes.Black;
    else if (colour == 2)
        return Brushes.Red;
    //this goes on for a while but i guess you should get the idea