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无法隐式转换类型'System.Collections.Generic.List< >'到"System.Collections.Generic.IList" >'

更新时间:2021-09-08 07:24:17

假定InvoiceMaster源自或实现InvoiceHD,并且您使用的是C#4和.NET 4或更高版本,则可以只使用通用方差:

Assuming InvoiceMaster derives from or implements InvoiceHD, and that you're using C# 4 and .NET 4 or higher, you can just use generic variance:

return MstDtl.ToList<InvoiceHD>();


This uses the fact that an IEnumerable<InvoiceMaster> is an IEnumerable<InvoiceHD> because IEnumerable<T> is covariant in T.


Another way to solve it would be to change the declaration of MstDtl to use explicit typing:

IEnumerable<InvoiceMaster> MstDtl = ...;


(I'd also suggest following regular C# naming, where local variables start with a lower-case letter, but that's a different matter.)