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使用PHP手动解析原始multipart / form-data数据

更新时间:2022-03-31 07:40:45


Ok, so with Dave and Everts suggestions I decided to parse the raw request data manually. I didn't find any other way to do this after searching around for about a day.


I got some help from this thread. I didn't have any luck tampering with the raw data like they do in the referenced thread, as that will break the files being uploaded. So it's all regex. This wasnt't tested very well, but seems to be working for my work case. Without further ado and in the hope that this may help someone else someday:

function parse_raw_http_request(array &$a_data)
  // read incoming data
  $input = file_get_contents('php://input');

  // grab multipart boundary from content type header
  preg_match('/boundary=(.*)$/', $_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'], $matches);
  $boundary = $matches[1];

  // split content by boundary and get rid of last -- element
  $a_blocks = preg_split("/-+$boundary/", $input);

  // loop data blocks
  foreach ($a_blocks as $id => $block)
    if (empty($block))

    // you'll have to var_dump $block to understand this and maybe replace \n or \r with a visibile char

    // parse uploaded files
    if (strpos($block, 'application/octet-stream') !== FALSE)
      // match "name", then everything after "stream" (optional) except for prepending newlines 
      preg_match("/name=\"([^\"]*)\".*stream[\n|\r]+([^\n\r].*)?$/s", $block, $matches);
    // parse all other fields
      // match "name" and optional value in between newline sequences
      preg_match('/name=\"([^\"]*)\"[\n|\r]+([^\n\r].*)?\r$/s', $block, $matches);
    $a_data[$matches[1]] = $matches[2];


Usage by reference (in order not to copy around the data too much):

$a_data = array();


this answer is still getting regular hits 7 years later. I have never used this code since then and do not know if there is a better way to do it these days. Please view the comments below and know that there are many scenarios where this code will not work. Use at your own risk.