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扩展时如何在 VSCODE 上发布 LSP 语言服务器

更新时间:2022-06-20 08:29:26


You should only need to publish the extension itself (the client) and not the server.

LSP 示例有点奇怪,因为它并排显示了客户端和服务器文件夹,而服务器实际上是客户端的依赖项.您可以将服务器作为节点模块引入,也可以像示例一样将服务器 JS 复制到客户端.然后只需在客户端运行 vsce publish 将所有内容推送到市场

The LSP example is a little weird because it shows the client and server folders side by side, whereas the server is actually a dependency of the client. You can either pull in the server as a node module or copy the server JS into the client like the example does. Then just run vsce publish in the client to push everything up to the marketplace