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将 PHP 数组转换为 javascript 的***方法

更新时间:2021-12-05 09:10:19

使用 JSON.看看为什么 JSON over XML:http://thephpcode.blogspot.com/2008/08/why-json-over-xml-in-ajax.html

Use JSON. see why JSON over XML: http://thephpcode.blogspot.com/2008/08/why-json-over-xml-in-ajax.html

在 PHP 中简单地使用 json:

To use json in PHP simply:


  echo '<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */';
  echo 'var train = '.json_encode($array);
  echo '/* ]]> */</script>';


Javascript 中的变量 train 将是一个包含基于 PHP 变量 $array 的属性和数组的对象.

the variable train in Javascript will be an object containing properties and arrays based on your PHP variable $array.

要解析或迭代训练对象,您可以对 JSON 数组使用 for ... in 语句,对 JSON 对象直接使用 object.property.

To parse or iterate through the train object, you can use for ... in statements for JSON arrays, and directly use object.property for JSON objects.



  $array = array(array('id'=>3,'title'=>'Great2'),array('id'=>5,'title'=>'Great'),array('id'=>1,'title'=>'Great3'))
  echo '<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */';
  echo 'var train = '.json_encode($array);
  echo '/* ]]> */</script>';



 var train = [{id:3,title:'Great2'},{id:5,title:'Great'},{id:1,title:'Great3'}];

变量 train 变成了一个对象数组.[] 方括号是数组,容纳更多的数组或对象.{} 花括号是对象,它们具有属性.

the variable train becomes an array of objects. [] squrare brackets are arrays, holding more arrays or objects. {} curly braces are objects, they have properties to them.

所以要迭代 train 变量:

<script type="text/javascript">

  var train = [{id:3,title:'Great2'},{id:5,title:'Great'},{id:1,title:'Great3'}];

  for(i in train){
    var t = train[i]; // get the current element of the Array
    alert(t.id); // gets the ID
    alert(t.title); // gets the title



Simple! Hope that really helps.