
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-06-21 09:54:14


Since your Networks firewall is blocking your access, you will need to tunnel your pip request, this link can help Connect to VPN by Powershell, after that you should be able to tunnel your Pip requests through, there are multiple VPN providers that you can use which allow passthrough connections, My Recommendations are NordVPN and DotVPN.


If you have additional queries about tunneling your connection through VPN you can have a look here https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/vpnclient/add-vpnconnection?view=win10-ps.

此外,如果您的网络防火墙阻止了对PyPi的访问,则它们最有可能阻止对VPN的访问,因此,我建议测试一下您尝试通过的VPN是否未被IP阻止. curl的另一种替代方法称为 bitsadmin ,您可以用来验证是否您可以访问vpn,或者只使用老式的ping.

Also if your networks firewall is blocking accessing to PyPi, they are most likely to block access to VPN, so I would recommend testing if the VPN you are trying to tunnel through is not blocked by your IP. There is an alternative to curl known as bitsadmin that you can use to verify if you have access to the vpn, or just use old fashioned ping.


P.S. Both the VPN's have free tier and that is what I recommend.


If it still doesn't work, comment down with the error.