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where 子句中的条件子查询

更新时间:2022-06-03 18:03:34


This query returns the rows that you are asking for in the question:

SELECT s.*, p.plan_interval, p.price,
       (CASE WHEN p.plan_interval = 'month' 
             THEN p.price * 0.01 
             ELSE (p.price * 0.01)/12
        END) AS mrr
FROM subscriptions s JOIN
     plans p
     ON p.id = s.plan_id
WHERE YEAR(s.start_date) = 2018 AND 
      s.start_date = (SELECT MAX(s2.start_date)
                      FROM subscriptions s2
                      WHERE s2.account_id = s.account_id AND
                            EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM s2.start_date) = EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM s.start_date)
ORDER BY s.start_date ASC;


This uses a subquery to get the most recent record for a subscription for each month.


You can then aggregate this however you wish.


  • 表别名使查询更易于编写和阅读.
  • 子查询使用了 EXTRACT() 的方便的 YEAR_MONTH 选项,因此它可以处理年份和月份.
  • 对于 -1 和 1 之间的数字常量,我总是在前面加上 0,所以 0.12 而不是 .12.如果发现这样会使小数点更明显.
  • Table aliases make the query easier to write and to read.
  • The subquery uses the handy YEAR_MONTH option of EXTRACT(), so it handles both years and months.
  • For numeric constants between -1 and 1, I always prepend with a 0, so 0.12 rather than .12. If find that this makes the decimal point more obvious.