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Google Maps API V3:限制地图边界

更新时间:2022-06-12 09:32:53

我也遇到了同样的问题,不过这次应该可以解决了(功能一样,监听的事件从 'move' 或 '拖动'到'center_changed',就像一个魅力!:

I've had the same problem, but this should sort it out (it's the same function, the event to listen to is changed from 'move' or 'drag' to 'center_changed', works like a charm!:

google.maps.event.addListener(map,'center_changed',function() { checkBounds(); });

function checkBounds() {    
    if(! allowedBounds.contains(map.getCenter())) {
      var C = map.getCenter();
      var X = C.lng();
      var Y = C.lat();

      var AmaxX = allowedBounds.getNorthEast().lng();
      var AmaxY = allowedBounds.getNorthEast().lat();
      var AminX = allowedBounds.getSouthWest().lng();
      var AminY = allowedBounds.getSouthWest().lat();

      if (X < AminX) {X = AminX;}
      if (X > AmaxX) {X = AmaxX;}
      if (Y < AminY) {Y = AminY;}
      if (Y > AmaxY) {Y = AmaxY;}

      map.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(Y,X));