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检查对象中的任何属性是否为nil-Swift 3

更新时间:2022-04-13 19:34:42


I would strongly recommend against this. State validation is something which should happen from inside a class. From inside the class, you should know better how to check validity.

class Vehicle {
    var name: String?
    var model: String?
    var VIN: String?

    func isReadyToAdvance() -> Bool {
        return name != nil && model != nil && VIN != nil

let objCar = Vehicle()
objCar.name = "Volvo"

if objCar.isReadyToAdvance() {
    // Go to other screen


If there are subclasses with different rules for isReadyToAdvance() they can override that method.


If isReadyToAdvance() doesn't make sense for the base class, then add it as an extension.

extension Vehicle {
    func isReadyToAdvance() -> Bool {
        return name != nil && model != nil && VIN != nil


@iPeter asked for something a bit more compact when there are lots of properties.

extension Vehicle {
    func isReadyToAdvance() -> Bool {
        // Add all the optional properties to optionals
        let optionals: [Any?] = [name, model, VIN]
        if (optionals.contains{ $0 == nil }) { return false }

        // Any other checks

        return true