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C#编程中的Jack Sensing

更新时间:1970-01-01 07:59:18



^ ]是程序员的方式处理这样的问题.
Well, that depends on how sensitive jack is. Seriously, what the hell are you talking about ? To control an external real world device, you need an interface. Then you code to that interface. you can''t just ask for C# code that magically controls a piece of hardware.

Do you mean a USB device ? You can tell if it''s present or not, but how is not present and unplugged different ?

This[^] is how programmers deal with issues like this.

使用 CoreAudioApi 并从 MMDeviceEnumerator 类创建对象.我们可以使用 MMDeviceEnumerator 方法检查音频端口状态.
I found it.
Use CoreAudioApi and create object from MMDeviceEnumerator class. We can use MMDeviceEnumerator methods for checking audio port status.