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C struct 初始化 编译时初始化的数组元素数

更新时间:2022-05-09 22:01:38

一个不可移植的技巧是使用 __COUNTER__ 预处理器扩展.这不是标准的 C 特性,但应该在最近的 gcc、clang 和 msvc 编译器中得到支持.

A not portable hack would be to use the __COUNTER__ preprocessor extension. It's not a standard C feature, but should be supported in recent gcc, clang and msvc compilers.


The preprocessor increments the value of the counter after each evaluation, so you have to force evaluation using something like:

// in case __COUNTER__ was previously used in a different header
const static int initial_counter = __COUNTER__; 

#ifdef ITEM1 
  const static int item1_defined = __COUNTER__; // +1
#ifdef ITEM2
  const static int item2_defined = __COUNTER__; // +1
#ifdef ITEM3
  const static int item3_defined = __COUNTER__; // +1

// must subtract 1 because this line also evaluates __COUNTER__
const static int total_item_count = (__COUNTER__) - initial_counter - 1;


items_list_t item_list = 
    .items = { ... },
    .num_items = total_item_count

更便携的预处理器替代方法是使用 Boost 应该更便携(但它是为 C++ 编写的,所以你可能需要自己将一些细节移植到 C),或者使用代码生成器(推荐).

A more portable preprocessor alternative is to use Boost which should be more portable (but it's written for C++ so you might have to port some of the details to C yourself), or use a code generator (recommended).


Involving a code generator into your build scripts will generate actual source code you can step in and debug if needed. Preprocessor hacks can easily get out of hand.