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PHP preg_match_all限制

更新时间:2021-12-17 14:41:52

增加PCRE回溯和递归限制可能会解决此问题,但是当数据大小达到新限制时仍然会失败. (无法通过更多数据很好地扩展)

increasing the PCRE backtrack and recursion limit may fix the problem, but will still fail when the size of your data hits the new limit. (doesn't scale well with more data)


// essential for huge PCREs
ini_set("pcre.backtrack_limit", "23001337");
ini_set("pcre.recursion_limit", "23001337");
// imagine your PCRE here...


to really solve the underlying problem, you must optimize your expression and (if possible) split your complex expression into "parts" and move some logic to PHP. I hope you get the idea by reading the example .. instead of trying to find the sub-structure directly with a single PCRE, i demonstrate a more "iterative" approach going deeper and deeper into the structure using PHP. example:

$html = file_get_contents("huge_input.html");

// first find all tables, and work on those later
$res = preg_match_all("!<table.*>(?P<content>.*)</table>!isU", $html, $table_matches);

if ($res) foreach($table_matches['content'] as $table_match) {  

    // now find all cells in each table that was found earlier ..
    $res = preg_match_all("!<td.*>(?P<content>.*)</td>!isU", $table_match, $cell_matches);

    if ($res) foreach($cell_matches['content'] as $cell_match) {

        // imagine going deeper and deeper into the structure here...
        echo "found a table cell! content: ", $cell_match;
