
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2021-07-24 22:00:27


那是什么意思?首先,让我们解决您的文档问题.以下摘录自 PowerShell 3.0版语言规范:

如果命令写入单个对象,则其后继对象将收到该对象 对象,然后在将其自己的对象写入其对象后终止 接班人.但是,如果命令写入多个对象,则 一次向后继命令传递一个,该命令执行一次 每个对象.此行为称为流传输.在流处理中, 对象一经成为对象,便会沿管道写入 可用,而不是在整个收藏集制作完成之后.

If a command writes a single object, its successor receives that object and then terminates after writing its own object(s) to its successor. If, however, a command writes multiple objects, they are delivered one at a time to the successor command, which executes once per object. This behavior is called streaming. In stream processing, objects are written along the pipeline as soon as they become available, not when the entire collection has been produced.

在处理集合时,可以这样编写命令: 可以在初始元素之前和之后进行特殊处理 最后一个元素.

When processing a collection, a command can be written such that it can do special processing before the initial element and after the final element.

现在,让我们简要了解一下 cmdlet 的组成.

Now, let's have a brief look at what a cmdlet consists of.


It may be enticing to think of a cmdlet as just another function, a sequential set of statements to be executed synchronously whenever invoked. This is not correct, however.

PowerShell中的 cmdlet 是实现至少3种方法之一的对象:

A cmdlet, in PowerShell, is an object that implements one of at least 3 methods:

  • BeginProcessing() - run once, when the pipeline starts executing
  • ProcessRecord() - run for every pipeline item received
  • EndProcessing() - run once, after the last pipeline item has been processed

一旦管道开始执行,就会在管道中的每个cmdlet上调用BeginProcessing().从这个意义上说,管道中的所有cmdlet都是并行"运行的-但这种设计基本上允许我们使用单个线程来执行管道-因此,涉及多个线程的实际并行处理不必 即可执行按照设计的管道.

Once a pipeline starts executing, BeginProcessing() is called on every single cmdlet in the pipeline. In this sense, all cmdlets in the pipeline are running "in parallel" - but this design basically allows us to execute the pipeline with a single thread - so actual parallel processing involving multiple threads is not necessary to execute the pipeline as designed.

指出cmdlet在管道中同时执行 可能更准确.

It's probably more accurate to point out that cmdlets execute concurrently in a pipeline.


Since the three methods above maps directly onto the begin, process and end blocks that we can define in an advanced function, it's easy to see the effect of this execution flow.


Let's try and feed 5 objects to a pipeline consisting of three cmdlets reporting their state with Write-Host and see what happens (see code below):

PS C:\> 1..5 |first |second |third |Out-Null


Be aware that PowerShell supports external output buffering control via the -OutBuffer common parameter, and this will influence the execution flow as well:



Here's the code I wrote for the demonstration above.


The Write-Host output from the below function will change its colour based on which alias we use, so it's a little easier to distinguish in the shell.

function Test-Pipeline {

  begin {
    $WHSplat = @{
      ForegroundColor = switch($MyInvocation.InvocationName){
        'first' {
        'second' {
        'third' {
    Write-Host "Begin $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)" @WHSplat
    $ObjectCount = 0

  process {
    foreach($Object in $InputObject) {
      $ObjectCount += 1
      Write-Host "Processing object #$($ObjectCount) in $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)" @WHSplat
      Write-Output $Object

  end {
    Write-Host "End $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)" @WHSplat


Set-Alias -Name first  -Value Test-Pipeline
Set-Alias -Name second -Value Test-Pipeline
Set-Alias -Name third  -Value Test-Pipeline