
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2021-07-24 21:41:27

根据 angular.io文档路由的应用必须回退到index.html" .这意味着如果环回无法获取"或导致任何类型的404,则意味着环回无法理解url,因此需要回退"到angular2或angular4应用的index.html.

According to angular.io docs, "Routed apps must fallback to index.html". This means that if loopback cannot "GET" or result in any type of 404, it means that loopback does not understand the url and it needs to "fallback" to the index.html of the angular2 or angular4 app.


To fix this, you will have to add custom middleware to redirect loopback to your angular index so that angular's router can take it from there.

因此,在您的 middleware.json 文件中,更改以下内容:

So in your middleware.json file, change the following :

"final": {
    "./middleware/custom404": {}

然后在/server/middleware/中添加文件custom404.js,以使完整路径为/server/middleware/custom404.js .如果中间件目录不存在,请创建它.

Then add a file custom404.js inside /server/middleware/ so that the full path is /server/middleware/custom404.js . If the middleware directory does not exist, create it.

然后在 custom404.js 文件中:

'use strict';
module.exports = function () {
    var path = require('path');
    return function urlNotFound(req, res, next) {
        let angular_index = path.resolve('client/index.html');
        res.sendFile(angular_index, function (err) {
            if (err) {


This will redirect back to your angular app and angular's router will route the url correctly while still being served by loopback.


It is therefore no longer needed to redirect the app via server.js as I tried to do in the opening question above !