
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2021-11-06 21:26:34

我不认为这是解决方案,但到目前为止似乎已经修复了我的代码...在我的hooks文件中,我有一个后块,其中有线@ browser.quit我跟踪失败,直到这行,当我评论这一行,我没有得到的错误。就像我说的,我不知道这是否是这个问题的原因,但到目前为止它似乎解决了...只是想我会分享。

I don't think that this is the solution but so far it seems to have fixed my code... In my hooks file I have an after block that among other things has the line @browser.quit I've tracked the failure down to this line and when I comment this line out I don't get the error. Like I said I don't know if this is actually the cause of the problem but so far it seems to have resolved it... Just thought I'd share.

编辑:Ok我找到了真实的解决方案。显然在命令退出的某处有一个错误,导致-1073 ...错误。而不是使用退出,我把它切换到.close,似乎已经解决了。关闭命令将清除地关闭浏览器实例,没有任何错误。

Ok I found out the real solution. Apparently somewhere in the command "quit" there's a bug that causes the -1073... error. Instead of using "quit" I switched it to ".close" and that seems to have resolved it. The close command will cleanly close out of the browser instance without any errors.