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如何使用C ++ cURL(libcurl)管理简单的PHP会话

更新时间:2022-05-27 22:22:53


As far as I understand it, CURL will handle session cookies automatically for you if you enable cookies, as long as you reuse your CURL handle for each request in the session:

CURL *Handle = curl_easy_init();

// Read cookies from a previous session, as stored in MyCookieFileName.
curl_easy_setopt( Handle, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, MyCookieFileName );
// Save cookies from *this* session in MyCookieFileName
curl_easy_setopt( Handle, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, MyCookieFileName );

curl_easy_setopt( Handle, CURLOPT_URL, MyLoginPageUrl );
assert( curl_easy_perform( Handle ) == CURLE_OK );

curl_easy_setopt( Handle, CURLOPT_URL, MyActionPageUrl );
assert( curl_easy_perform( Handle ) == CURLE_OK );

// The cookies are actually saved here.
curl_easy_cleanup( Handle );


I'm not positive that you need to set both COOKIEFILE and COOKIEJAR, but the documentation makes it seem that way. In any case, you have to set one of the two in order to enable cookies at all in CURL. You can do something as simple as:

curl_easy_setopt( Handle, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "" );


That won't read any cookies from disk, but it will enable session cookies for the duration of the curl handle.