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带有 PHP 的 jQuery Ajax POST 示例

更新时间:2022-05-26 21:14:43

的基本用法.ajax 看起来像这样:

Basic usage of .ajax would look something like this:


<form id="foo">
    <label for="bar">A bar</label>
    <input id="bar" name="bar" type="text" value="" />

    <input type="submit" value="Send" />


// Variable to hold request
var request;

// Bind to the submit event of our form

    // Prevent default posting of form - put here to work in case of errors

    // Abort any pending request
    if (request) {
    // setup some local variables
    var $form = $(this);

    // Let's select and cache all the fields
    var $inputs = $form.find("input, select, button, textarea");

    // Serialize the data in the form
    var serializedData = $form.serialize();

    // Let's disable the inputs for the duration of the Ajax request.
    // Note: we disable elements AFTER the form data has been serialized.
    // Disabled form elements will not be serialized.
    $inputs.prop("disabled", true);

    // Fire off the request to /form.php
    request = $.ajax({
        url: "/form.php",
        type: "post",
        data: serializedData

    // Callback handler that will be called on success
    request.done(function (response, textStatus, jqXHR){
        // Log a message to the console
        console.log("Hooray, it worked!");

    // Callback handler that will be called on failure
    request.fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
        // Log the error to the console
            "The following error occurred: "+
            textStatus, errorThrown

    // Callback handler that will be called regardless
    // if the request failed or succeeded
    request.always(function () {
        // Reenable the inputs
        $inputs.prop("disabled", false);


注意:从 jQuery 1.8 开始,.success().error().complete() 在支持 .done().fail().always().

Note: Since jQuery 1.8, .success(), .error() and .complete() are deprecated in favor of .done(), .fail() and .always().

注意:记住上面的代码片段必须在 DOM 准备好之后完成,所以你应该把它放在一个 $(document).ready() 处理程序(或使用 $() 简写).

提示:您可以 像这样的回调处理程序:$.ajax().done().fail().always();

Tip: You can chain the callback handlers like this: $.ajax().done().fail().always();

PHP(即 form.php):

// You can access the values posted by jQuery.ajax
// through the global variable $_POST, like this:
$bar = isset($_POST['bar']) ? $_POST['bar'] : null;


Note: Always sanitize posted data, to prevent injections and other malicious code.

您也可以在适当的位置使用速记 .post上面JavaScript代码中的.ajax:

You could also use the shorthand .post in place of .ajax in the above JavaScript code:

$.post('/form.php', serializedData, function(response) {
    // Log the response to the console
    console.log("Response: "+response);

注意:上述 JavaScript 代码适用于 jQuery 1.8 及更高版本,但它应该适用于 jQuery 1.5 之前的版本.