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实现一个for循环或while循环在windows MD-DOS批处理文件做

更新时间:2022-02-08 21:43:13


A for loop consists of these parts:

- 实际内容的结果
-A GOTO该进到循环的开始

-A variable for counting the number of loops
-Actual content
-A line that increments the loop counter variable
-An if statement that does a GOTO out of the loop if loop counter has exceeded some value
-A GOTO that goes to the beginning of the loop

set /p count = 0
set count = count + 1
if %count%==10 GOTO loopend
GOTO loopstart

一个while循环是一样的东西,除了没有计数循环计数器,你代替其他一些条件,如如果选项%==%跳槽GOTO loopend

A while loop is the same thing, except instead of counting a loop counter, you substitute some other conditional such as if %option%=="quit" GOTO loopend


Hope you can get what you want based on this info. Sorry if my syntax isn't perfect, I don't use batch files very often.