
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2021-11-23 22:33:38

这是Windows/MS-DOS的限制.根据 perldiag :

This is a Windows/MS-DOS limitation. According to perldiag:


You're on a system such as MS-DOS that gets confused if you try reading from a deleted (but still opened) file. You have to say -i.bak, or some such.


Perl's -i implementation causes it to delete file1.txt while keeping an open handle to it, then re-create the file with the same name. This allows you to 'read' file1.txt even though it has been deleted and is being re-created. Unfortunately, Windows/MS-DOS does not allow you to delete a file that has an open handle attached to it, so this mechanism does not work.


Your best shot is to use -i.bak and then delete the backup file. This at least gives you some protection - for example, you could opt not to delete the backup if perl exits with a non-zero exit code. Something like:

perl -i.bak -ape "splice...." file1.txt && del file1.bak