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无法登录到 phpMyAdmin,未显示错误

更新时间:2021-08-04 21:24:32

当保存 php_session 的路径设置不正确时,这可能是一个问题:

This is a possible issue when the path to save php_session is not correctly set :


The directory for storing session does not exists or php do not have sufficient rights to write to it.

要定义 php_session 目录,只需在 php.ini 中添加以下行:

To define the php_session directory simply add the following line to the php.ini :


并赋予 http 服务器写入权限.

And give write rights to the http server.

通常,http 服务器作为组守护进程中的用户守护进程运行.如果是这种情况,以下命令将使其成功:

usually, the http server run as user daemon in group daemon. If it is the case, the following commands will make it :

chown -R :daemon /tmp/php_session

chmod -R g+wr /tmp/php_session

service httpd restart