
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-02-07 21:20:42

这个问题是NP完全问题,因此除非P = NP你坚持做指数工作,对输入的大小。现在的妙处这种类型的问题是,实际上有两种方法可以解决这将给指数对这一问题的不同方面。

This problem is NP-complete, so unless P=NP you are stuck doing exponential work on the size of the input. Now the neat thing about this type of problem is that there are actually two ways to solve which will put the exponent on different aspects of the problem.


First if your sums don't have too many elements you can just brute force this problem by searching over all combinations. This method is exponential on the number of elements in the sets, and will work reasonably well up to say 20 or so elements per container. After that it is going to get pretty nasty.


A second option is to use dynamic programming. Unlike the previous method, this algorithm is exponential in the number of bits that it takes to write out each of the numbers. What you do is keep track of the set of all possible sums as well as the smallest number of elements required to generate them. This is a simple modification of the solution that you linked to in your answer.

下面是一些Python code产生的所有他们可以相交的可能值:

Here is some python code that generates all the possible values they can intersect at:

    def gen_sum(a):
        r = { 0: [] }
        for x in a:
            for y, v in r.items():
                if not (x+y) in r or len(r[x+y]) > len(v) + 1:
                    r[x+y] = v + [x]
        return r

    def gen_sums(a, b):
        asum = gen_sum(a)
        bsum = gen_sum(b)
        return [ (k, v, bsum[k]) for k,v in asum.items() if k in bsum ][1:]


Running it on your sample data, I got:

[(4000,[4000],[2000,2000),(6000,[2000,4000],[565,1435,2000,2000),(2000,[2000],[2000]), (4200,[200,4000],[528,800,2872]),(10200,[200,2000,2000,2000,4000],[528,565,800,1435,2000,2000,2872]), (8200,[200,2000,2000,4000],[528,800,2000,2000,2872]),(6200,[200,2000,4000],[528,800,2000,2872])]

[(4000, [4000], [2000, 2000]), (6000, [2000, 4000], [565, 1435, 2000, 2000]), (2000, [2000], [2000]), (4200, [200, 4000], [528, 800, 2872]), (10200, [200, 2000, 2000, 2000, 4000], [528, 565, 800, 1435, 2000, 2000, 2872]), (8200, [200, 2000, 2000, 4000], [528, 800, 2000, 2000, 2872]), (6200, [200, 2000, 4000], [528, 800, 2000, 2872])]


Fixed a typo, and also just noticed that holy crap tons of people have already answered this really quick.