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覆盖 Java 中的私有方法

更新时间:2021-08-29 21:29:16


You can't override a private method, but you can introduce one in a derived class without a problem. This compiles fine:

class Base
   private void foo()

class Child extends Base
    private void foo()

请注意,如果您尝试将 @Override 注释应用于 Child.foo(),您将收到编译时错误.只要您将编译器/IDE 设置为在缺少@Override 注释时向您发出警告或错误,一切都应该没问题.诚然,我更喜欢将 override 作为关键字的 C# 方法,但在 Java 中这样做显然为时已晚.

Note that if you try to apply the @Override annotation to Child.foo() you'll get a compile-time error. So long as you have your compiler/IDE set to give you warnings or errors if you're missing an @Override annotation, all should be well. Admittedly I prefer the C# approach of override being a keyword, but it was obviously too late to do that in Java.


As for C#'s handling of "overriding" a private method - a private method can't be virtual in the first place, but you can certainly introduce a new private method with the same name as a private method in the base class.