
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事

Android NDK 环境搭建 之 起始篇NDK HelloWorld

更新时间:2022-05-05 18:48:55

ADT插件:管理Android SDK和相关的开发工具的
NDK插件:用于开发Android NDK的插件,ADT版本在20以上,就能安装NDK插件,另外NDK集成了CDT插件(所以本文直接针对ADT 20以上版本进行说明)


Android NDK 环境搭建 之 起始篇NDK HelloWorld

Android NDK 环境搭建 之 起始篇NDK HelloWorld

新建一个Android工程,在工程上右键点击Android Tools->Add Native Support… ,然后给我们的.so文件取个名字,例如我的是:XS_NDK_01
Android NDK 环境搭建 之 起始篇NDK HelloWorld

(关于 Android.mk 的说明可以参考资料:http://www.cnblogs.com/luxiaofeng54/archive/2011/08/13/2137577.html

JNI接口的命名规范是:Java_ + 调用该方法的包名(包名的点用代替) + + 调用该接口的类名 + _ + 方法名,对于实例方法,有两个参数是必要的,一个JNI的环境指针JNIEnv *,另一个是调用该方法的Java实例jobject


#include <string.h>
#include <jni.h>

extern "C"{
    Java_com_shanhy_example_ndk01_MainActivity_getStringFromJNI(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz)
        return env->NewStringUTF("小单 的 JNI HellWorld 程序.");

完成了,然后运行。运行之前先编译NDK,然后在编译JAVA代码。编译也许会遇到Unable to launch cygpath. Is Cygwin on the path?如何解决?
Eclipse -> Window -> Preperences -> C/C++ -> Build -> Environment 添加一个环境变量NDKROOT,如下图:
Android NDK 环境搭建 之 起始篇NDK HelloWorld

再工程右键,点Properties->C/C++ Build的Building Settings中去掉Use default build command,然后输入${NDKROOT}/ndk-build.cmd,如下图:
Android NDK 环境搭建 之 起始篇NDK HelloWorld


package com.shanhy.example.ndk01;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.widget.Button;

 * HelloWorld NDK 开发
 * @author SHANHY(365384722@QQ.COM)
 * @date   2015年11月19日
public class MainActivity extends Activity {

    //也就是你mk配置文件中的  LOCAL_MODULE    := XS_NDK_01
    private static final String libSoName = "XS_NDK_01";

    private Context mContext = null;
    private Button btnClick = null;
    private String mStrMSG = null;

    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        mContext = this;
        btnClick = (Button) findViewById(R.id.btn_click);
        btnClick.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View v) {

                //调用 JNI 层实现的方法
                mStrMSG = getStringFromJNI();
                if(mStrMSG == null) {
                    mStrMSG = "调用JNI失败";
                LogUtils.toastMessage(mContext, mStrMSG);


     * 声明本地方法
     * 该方法为native方法.由C实现
     * @return  JNI 给出的信息
    public native String  getStringFromJNI();

     * 载入JNI生成的so库文件
    static {




1、Method ‘NewStringUTF’ could not be resolved 问题(方法“NewStringUTF”无法被解析)

I had this issue. Based on my "solution," it seems to be something funny going on in Eclipse, since I had another project open with (as far as I was able to tell) the exact some properties, paths, etc., besides for being labeled a Library Project.

Just by observing the corresponding struct in jhi.h, the callback prototypes are all there! Ctrl-click the include statement and Eclipse will even link you the reference!

Go to the project's Properties -> C/C++ General -> Code Analysis. Click the "Use project settings" radio button (or "Configure Workspace Settings..." button). Disable (uncheck) the "Method cannot be resolved" checkbox. Click "Apply," "OK." Then for your project, refresh, clean, refresh, build.

There must have been something I did differently in creating the new project. Or maybe it was because of the locations of the projects, or the fact that the previous was a Library. Maybe it really is an Eclipse bug? For reference, I'm using ADT v21.1.0-569685 and NDK r8e for Windows。

项目右键->Properties->C/C++General->Code Analysis,选择”Use project settings或者Use workspace settings” 中的 Method cannot be resolved(方法无法被解析)取消选择,应用->保存,然后刷新、清理、刷新、build项目。

2、jni/hellocpp/main.cpp:16:18: error: base operand of ‘->’ has non-pointer type ‘JNIEnv {aka _JNIEnv}’ 问题
这是 android java 调用c++程序时报的错误
文件 XS_NDK_01.cpp 文件代码,按如下方式编写出现的错误:

#include <string.h>
#include <jni.h>

Java_com_duicky_MainActivity_getStringFromJNI( JNIEnv* env,jobject thiz )
    // 返回一个字符串给Java层
    return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "HelloWorld from JNI !!");
    // return env->NewStringUTF("小单 的 JNI HellWorld 程序.");

我开始是 (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, “小单 的 JNI HellWorld 程序.”); 这样写的,这是c的写法(文件应该是.c扩展名),而我的是cpp程序(.cpp扩展名),需要改写成:

env->NewStringUTF( “小单 的 JNI HellWorld 程序.”);

3、 java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native method not found: com.shanhy.example.ndk01.MainActivity.getStringFromJNI:()Ljava/lang/String; 错误
1、c++中的方法Java_xxx_xxx 中的Java 首字母一定要大写
2、如果是 .cpp 文件 则用 extern “C” {“您的方法在这里”},大括号里是您的本地方法(如我上面的例子中那样写)。