
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-03-03 21:42:12

CoInitialize 如果已在调用线程中初始化,将返回 S_FALSE 。但是,对于两个返回 S_OK S_FALSE 的调用,都需要一个 CoUninitialize 调用。仅对 CoUninitialize 的数量等于 CoInitialize 的数量进行计数。

CoInitialize will return S_FALSE if it has already been initialized in the calling thread. However, for both invocations that return S_OK and S_FALSE there needs to be a CoUninitialize call. The number of calls to this functions get counted, and only when the number of CoUninitialize equals that of CoInitialize it will actually uninitialize things.


So in conclusion, a second call is harmless, and there are no problems with calling this pair of functions more than once.