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如何使用jMeter测试SAP OData服务并发访问时的性能

更新时间:2022-05-30 10:20:39

For project reason I have to measure the performance of OData service being accessed parallelly. And I plan to use the open source tool JMeter to generate a huge number of request in parallel and measure the average response time. Since I am a beginner for JMeter, I write down what I have learned into this blog.

I will continue to explorer the advanced feature of JMeter in my daily work.

(1) Download JMeter from its official website.

Go to the installation folder, add the following text in file \bin\user.properties:


版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「汪子熙」的原创文章,遵循CC 4.0 BY-SA版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。

原文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/i042416/article/details/108285951如何使用jMeter测试SAP OData服务并发访问时的性能如何使用jMeter测试SAP OData服务并发访问时的性能Create a new Http Request and maintain the following settings:

Protocol: https

Server name:

Http request method: GET

Http path: /sap/c4c/odata/v1/c4codata/AccountCollection/

Use KeepAlive: do NOT select this checkbox

In Parameter tab, maintain query option $search with value ‘Wang’

如何使用jMeter测试SAP OData服务并发访问时的性能如何使用jMeter测试SAP OData服务并发访问时的性能如何使用jMeter测试SAP OData服务并发访问时的性能如何使用jMeter测试SAP OData服务并发访问时的性能如何使用jMeter测试SAP OData服务并发访问时的性能如何使用jMeter测试SAP OData服务并发访问时的性能如何使用jMeter测试SAP OData服务并发访问时的性能如何使用jMeter测试SAP OData服务并发访问时的性能如何使用jMeter测试SAP OData服务并发访问时的性能Further reading

You can find a list of all other blogs related to OData written by Jerry.

Consume standard C4C OData service via ABAP code

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