
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-06-11 22:42:34

新注释:您可能不需要或不需要这样做.您可能想要做的只是将那些用于构建/测试等类型的命令依赖项放在package.json的devDependencies部分中. 每当您在package.json中使用scripts中的内容时,devDependencies命令(在node_modules/.bin中)的行为就好像它们在您的路径中一样.

New Note: You probably don't want or need to do this. What you probably want to do is just put those types of command dependencies for build/test etc. in the devDependencies section of your package.json. Anytime you use something from scripts in package.json your devDependencies commands (in node_modules/.bin) act as if they are in your path.


npm i --save-dev mocha # Install test runner locally
npm i --save-dev babel # Install current babel locally


Then in package.json:

// devDependencies has mocha and babel now

"scripts": {
  "test": "mocha",
  "build": "babel -d lib src",
  "prepublish": "babel -d lib src"


Then at your command prompt you can run:

npm run build # finds babel
npm test # finds mocha

npm publish # will run babel first


But if you really want to install globally, you can add a preinstall in the scripts section of the package.json:

"scripts": {
  "preinstall": "npm i -g themodule"


So actually my npm install executes npm install again .. which is weird but seems to work.


Note: you might have issues if you are using the most common setup for npm where global Node package installs required sudo. One option is to change your npm configuration so this isn't necessary:

npm config set prefix ~/npm,通过将export PATH=$HOME/npm/bin:$PATH附加到~/.bashrc,将$ HOME/npm/bin添加到$ PATH.

npm config set prefix ~/npm, add $HOME/npm/bin to $PATH by appending export PATH=$HOME/npm/bin:$PATH to your ~/.bashrc.