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The server principal "sa" is not able to access the database "xxxx" under the current security context

更新时间:2022-06-20 20:20:57

在SQL Server服务器上一个作业执行时,遇到下面错误信息:


Executed as user: dbo. The server principal "sa" is not able to access the database "xxxx" under the current security context. [SQLSTATE 08004] (Error 916). The step failed.

The server principal "sa" is not able to access the database "xxxx" under the current security context


作业本身执行的存储过程非常简单,就是将数据库A中的历史数据处理过后,归档到A_History库中,结果就遇到这么一个问题。将作业的存储过程取出在SSMS客户端执行成功,没有问题,但是作业执行就遇到这个从我。后面折腾了一下,终于弄清楚了原委。 原来这个作业步骤的“Advanced”选项里面,设置成了Run as user 为dbo。

The server principal "sa" is not able to access the database "xxxx" under the current security context




另外。我这篇博客SQL Agent Job 报“Access to the remote server is denied because the current security context is not trusted”里面遇到的其实也是这个问题。可笑当时虽然解决了,阴错阳差的解决了问题,但是还是没有找到Root Cause。 以此为戒!