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更新时间:2021-09-06 22:38:54

好的,这是在touchesMoved中绘制矩形的方法(使用@Nekto touchesBegan存储矩形的起点).

Okay here is how you can draw your rect in touchesMoved (use @Nekto touchesBegan to store the starting point of your rect).

假设您在我们正在绘制的UIView上保留了一个引用,并将其称为drawnView. 在touchesBegan中,我们为drawnView

Let's assume you keep a reference on the UIView we are drawing and call it drawnView. In touchesBegan, we set the origin of the frame for drawnView


-(void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event
    // We only take care of a single touch
    if ([touches count] == 1)
        UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];
        // Find the width and height of the rect
        CGRect drawnFrame = drawnView.frame
        drawnFrame.size.width = [touch locationInView:parentView].x - drawnFrame.origin.x
        drawnFrame.size.height = [touch locationInView:parentView].y - drawnFrame.origin.y
        [drawnView setFrame:drawnFrame];


Don't copy paste that code, I didn't write it in Xcode or anything. It could have mistakes (for sure). But I hope it can help to find your solution. And be careful, I can't tell how it will behave if you drag your finger to the top, or to the left (negative values for height and width).