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SQL IN 查询产生奇怪的结果

更新时间:2022-04-17 22:01:04

这里的问题是您没有在子查询中使用 Table.Column 表示法,表 Order 子查询中没有列 IDID 真正意味着 Person.ID,而不是 [Order].ID>.这就是为什么我总是坚持在生产代码中为表使用别名.比较这两个查询:

The problem here is that you're not using Table.Column notation in your subquery, table Order doesn't have column ID and ID in subquery really means Person.ID, not [Order].ID. That's why I always insist on using aliases for tables in production code. Compare these two queries:

select * from Person WHERE id IN (SELECT ID FROM [Order]);

select * from Person as p WHERE p.id IN (SELECT o.ID FROM [Order] as o)

第一个会执行但会返回错误的结果,第二个会引发错误.这是因为子查询中可能会引用外部查询的列,因此在这种情况下,您可以在子查询中使用 Person 列.也许您想像这样使用查询:

The first one will execute but will return incorrect results, and the second one will raise an error. It's because the outer query's columns may be referenced in a subquery, so in this case you can use Person columns inside the subquery. Perhaps you wanted to use the query like this:

select * from Person WHERE pid IN (SELECT PID FROM [Order])

但你永远不知道 [Order] 表的架构何时发生变化,以及是否有人从 [Order] 中删除了列 PID那么您的查询将返回表 Person 中的所有行.因此,使用别名:

But you never know when the schema of the [Order] table changes, and if somebody drops the column PID from [Order] then your query will return all rows from the table Person. Therefore, use aliases:

select * from Person as P WHERE P.pid IN (SELECT O.PID FROM [Order] as O)

只是快速说明 - 这不是 SQL Server 特定的行为,它是标准的 SQL:

Just quick note - this is not SQL Server specific behaviour, it's standard SQL: