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更新SQL Server:在While循环中使用html输入-ASP Classic

更新时间:2022-06-06 22:42:19


With hopes that I understand you correctly, you have id, quant, and article already in database and want to update the quant related to the ID. In that case:


In the loop that creates the form give each number input a name with the ID in the name (or if you just have one field just have the ID as the name). In your case:

<input type="number" name="qty<%=rs("ID")%>">


On the action page you then loop through all the fields and update accordingly, either you do a replace on the name to get the ID, or if you only use the ID as fieldname it works without replace:

For Each Item In Request.Form
            fieldName = Item 'This is the ID (with above field name: qtyID where ID is the ID from the DB.
            fieldValue = Request.Form(Item) 'This is the Quantity of that Article ID

            sql="update table set qty=" + fieldValue + " where id=" + articleid


That way you will go through all the fields in the form. I am also unsure if you need both ID and Article in where clause? Can one ID have many Articles or vice versa?