
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-03-15 15:34:14

这些都是在C和C ++的常量。后缀 LL 表示常量的类型为长长 UL 办法无符号长

These are constants in C and C++. The suffix LL means the constant is of type long long, and UL means unsigned long.

在一般情况下,每个重新presents一个,每个 U U 重新presents一个符号。因此,例如

In general, each L or l represents a long and each U or u represents an unsigned. So, e.g.




1.0f    // of type 'float'
1.0     // of type 'double'
1.0L    // of type 'long double'


and strings and characters, but they are prefixes:

 'A'   // of type 'char'
L'A'   // of type 'wchar_t'
u'A'   // of type 'char16_t' (C++0x only)
U'A'   // of type 'char32_t' (C++0x only)

在C和C ++中的整型常量使用它们的原始类型,它可能会由于整数溢出漏洞评估:

In C and C++ the integer constants are evaluated using their original type, which can cause bugs due to integer overflow:

long long nanosec_wrong = 1000000000 * 600;
// ^ you'll get '-1295421440' since the constants are of type 'int'
//   which is usually only 32-bit long, not big enough to hold the result.

long long nanosec_correct = 1000000000LL * 600
// ^ you'll correctly get '600000000000' with this

int secs = 600;
long long nanosec_2 = 1000000000LL * secs;
// ^ use the '1000000000LL' to ensure the multiplication is done as 'long long's.

在谷歌转到所有整数评为大整数(没有截断发生),​​ P>

In Google Go, all integers are evaluated as big integers (no truncation happens),

    var nanosec_correct int64 = 1000000000 * 600


    var b int32 = 600
    var a int64 = 1000000000 * b
    // ^ cannot use 1000000000 * b (type int32) as type int64 in assignment


so the suffixes are not necessary.