
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-02-07 22:32:43

mode777是正确的。此问题与IdentityServer4或OpenID Connect均无关。与AspNetCore.Identity有关。我发现此链接非常有用,并通过添加如下代码行解决了我的超时问题:

mode777 is right. This issue is not related to IdentityServer4 nor OpenID Connect. It's related to the AspNetCore.Identity. I find this link very helpful and solved my timeout issue by adding a line like this:

services.Configure<SecurityStampValidatorOptions>(options => options.ValidationInterval = TimeSpan.FromHours(24));


So, what happened is this: After the 30 mins default interval, a request to the server will go through the user security stamp check. For some unknown reason, the logic that checks my user security stamp think the stamp is invalid and hence calls SignInManager's SignOutAsync, which kills everything. What I still don't understand is that my user security stamp is never changed! It shouldn't cause the invalidation. For now, I will let my application works with a much longer check interval, and will keep an eye on the security stamp.