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更新时间:2022-09-08 18:12:53

The definition of AOP in wikipedia seems a little bit difficult for beginners to understand, so in this blog I use an example to introduce why we need it.

Suppose I have an order command class which performs its core business logic in method doBusiness:面向切片编程(AOP)应用的一些实际例子In method execute(), it is flooded with too many non-functional code like logging, authorization check and performance trace.

面向切片编程(AOP)应用的一些实际例子It is not a good design, we can try to improve it via template method pattern.

Template method pattern

With this pattern, I create a new parent class BaseCommand, and put all non-functional code inside the executow the real business logic is defined in child class OrderCommand, whose implementation is very clean:面向切片编程(AOP)应用的一些实际例子Drawback of this solution: as the parent class has defined the template method execution, it is NOT possible for a child class to adapt it, for example, a child class cannot change the order sequence of authorization check and performance trace method. And suppose a child class does not want to implement authorization check at all – this could not be achieved with this solution. We have to use decorator pattern instead.

Decorator pattern

First I need to create an interface:面向切片编程(AOP)应用的一些实际例子And create a decorator to cover the log and authorization check function:面向切片编程(AOP)应用的一些实际例子And a second decorator for performance trace:面向切片编程(AOP)应用的一些实际例子And the class to finish the real business logic. Now I have the full flexibility to constructor the instance according to real business case, with the help of different decorator. The following instance fullCmd owns the ability of both authorization check log and performance trace.面向切片编程(AOP)应用的一些实际例子Suppose in a given scenario, only performance trace is needed, we can just use the performance trace decorator:面向切片编程(AOP)应用的一些实际例子Drawback of decorator pattern: The decorator class and the business class have to implement the same interface, command, which is more business related. Is there possibility that the utility classes for non-functional implementation can just work without implementing the same interface which is implemented by business class?

AOP solution

I use a Java project implemented by Spring framework to demonstrate the idea.

Suppose I hope to add performance trace on this business method: save面向切片编程(AOP)应用的一些实际例子1) You may have already observed the annotation @Log(nameI042416=”annotation for save method”) used in line10.

This annotation is declared in file Log.java:面向切片编程(AOP)应用的一些实际例子(2) Now I have to declare an Aspect class which contains a pointcut. A pointcut tells Spring framework which methods could be applied with AOP strategy, and the class annotated with @Aspect contains methods which should be called by Spring framework to “decorate” the methods identified by annotation. Here below I have declared a pointcut “logJerry” via annotation @Pointcut:面向切片编程(AOP)应用的一些实际例子For example, since we have annotated the business method save() with “@Log(nameI042416=”annotation for save method”)”,

we can define what logics must be done on it, with the help of @Before and @After plus declared pointcut.面向切片编程(AOP)应用的一些实际例子With this approach, I can add performance trace function to save method without modifying its source code.

Set breakpoint on these beforeExec and afterExec methods, launch the project with Tomcat under debug mode, paste the following url to your browser:


Through callstack you can understand how the AOP call is working in Spring.面向切片编程(AOP)应用的一些实际例子面向切片编程(AOP)应用的一些实际例子Why we say AOP can increase modularity by allowing the separation of cross-cutting concerns?

Suppose we have lots of methods all of which need common utilities like log, performance trace and authorization check. Before we use AOP, these utilities are scattered in every method:面向切片编程(AOP)应用的一些实际例子After AOP is used, those common stuff are extracted into Aspect class and reusability is fulfilled. From the picture below we can see the cross-cutting concerns are now separated.面向切片编程(AOP)应用的一些实际例子