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带有字符串变量指令的 C/C++ 内联汇编器

更新时间:2022-04-07 16:08:02

您正试图在 运行时 为编译器提供输入 - 当程序已经在执行时.如果您想要即时编译",则必须编写一个增量编译器和链接器,以便在执行时修改代码.

The code of your program is created by the compiler, during compilation.
You are trying to feed the compiler the input for that at run time - when the program is already executing. If you want ‘on-the-fly-compilation’, you will have to program an incremental compiler and linker that can modify the code while executing it.


Note that even if you would be successful, many OS would block such execution, as it violates security. It would be a great way to build viruses, and is therefore typically blocked.