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PHPUnit 错误“无法打开流:没有这样的文件或目录"

更新时间:2022-06-15 23:13:44

你应该可以使用 __DIR__ 了.包含语句中的/data/functions.php"

You should be able to use __DIR__ . "/data/functions.php" in your include statement
(that's two underscores before and after).


I did a quick test in my test environment and had no problems.

__DIR__ 魔术常量为您提供了正在运行的测试文件的完整路径.来自 PHP 网站:

The __DIR__ magic constant gives you the full path to the test file you are running. From the PHP website:


The directory of the file. If used inside an include, the directory of the included file is returned. This is equivalent to dirname(__FILE__). This directory name does not have a trailing slash unless it is the root directory.