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PHP 中的条件正则表达式似乎不起作用

更新时间:2022-03-03 23:26:52


You do not need any conditional constructs to skip what is inside quotes. There are two ways.

使用与带引号的子字符串匹配的替代分支并使用 (*SKIP)(*FAIL) 动词:

Use an alternative branch matching a quoted substring and use (*SKIP)(*FAIL) verbs:

 preg_replace('/"[^"]*"(*SKIP)(*F)|creat(?:e|ing)/i', 'make', $input)


  • "[^"]*" - 匹配 ",然后是除 " 之外的 0+ 个字符,然后是 "
  • (*SKIP)(*F) - 使正则表达式引擎丢弃当前匹配的文本并从当前索引开始
  • | - 或...
  • creat(?:e|ing) - 匹配 createcreating.
  • "[^"]*" - matches ", then 0+ characters other than " and then a "
  • (*SKIP)(*F) - make the regex engine discard the currently matched text and proceed from the current index
  • | - or...
  • creat(?:e|ing) - match create or creating.


另一种方法是仅使用捕获和使用 preg_replace_callback,您可以在其中检查组是否匹配(并适当地建立替换逻辑):

Another way is mere using capturing and using preg_replace_callback where you can check if a group was matched (and base the replacement logic appropriately):

 preg_replace_callback('/("[^"]*")|creat(?:e|ing)/i', function($m) {
     return !empty($m[1]) ? $m[1] : 'make';
 }, $input)

查看 IDEONE 演示


  • ("[^"]*") - 第 1 组(稍后可以使用替换模式中的 $1 引用) - 双引号字符串
  • | - 或
  • creat(?:e|ing) - 匹配 createcreating.
  • ("[^"]*") - Group 1 (can be later referenced with $1 from the replacement pattern) - a double quoted string
  • | - or
  • creat(?:e|ing) - match create or creating.


Note that "[^"]*" is a sample regex, if you need to match C strings with escaped sequences, you should use at least "[^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*" (in the code).