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更新时间:2021-08-08 22:42:24


If you have the row and column numbers already in variables, the task of creating the range string should be easy:

int cntRows = 5;
int cntCols = 10;

wchar_t buffer [30];
swprintf (buffer, L"A1::%c%d", ''A''+cntCols-1, cntRows);


This works as long as your cntCols is lower or equal to 26. To generate column designators like AA, AB, AC etc. it takes just a little more work:

wchar_t colName[3];
if (cntCols <= 26)
    swprintf (colName, L"%c", ''A'' + cntCols - 1);
else if (cntCols <= 26*26)
    swprintf (colName, L"%c%c", ''A'' + cntCols%26 - 1, ''A'' + cntCols/26 - 1);
    ; // ... error processing	

wchar_t buffer [30];
swprintf (buffer, L"A1::%s%d", colName, cntRows);



Hope that helps.

Replace char with wchar_t in the second code snipped.
EDIT 2: Replaced _stprintf by swprintf

To calculate the size of range(array), use Cells for Range() object.

Dim rng As Range
Dim iRowCount As Integer, iColCount As Integer

Set rng = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("A1:C15")
'get columns count
iColCount = rng.Cells.Columns.Count
'get rows count
iRowCount = rng.Cells.Rows.Count

'display message
MsgBox "Columns count: " & iColCount & vbCr & "Rows count: " & iRowCount, vbInformation, rng.Address

Set rng = Nothing

如何引用单元格和范围 [

More at:
How to reference Cells and Ranges[^]
The above link is related to Excel 2003 VBA reference, but explain how to achieve what you want.

此处将Microsoft示例中的代码放到一个文件中,该文件将用gcc 4.2.something编译.

Here''s the code from the example at Microsoft put together into a single file that will compile with gcc 4.2.something.

A few things to note:
  1. 我已经添加了变量row和cols-这些变量控制excel中影响的范围的大小.
  2. 由于没有使用MS编译器,我不得不在文件中添加一些GUID定义
  3. 您需要链接ole32和oleaut32库-用于VS的.lib,用于gcc的.a
  4. nv3表示您可以简单地将缓冲区用于SysAllocString
  5. 出于完整性考虑,我将整个来源都包括在内

#define UNICODE
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ole2.h> // OLE2 Definitions

const GUID GUID_NULL = { 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } };
const GUID IID_IUnknown = {0x00000000, 0x0000, 0x0000, {0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x46}};
const GUID IID_IDispatch = {0x00020400, 0x0000, 0x0000, {0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x46}};

int cols=8, rows=16;

// AutoWrap() - Automation helper function...
HRESULT AutoWrap(int autoType, VARIANT *pvResult, IDispatch *pDisp, LPOLESTR ptName, int cArgs...) {
    // Begin variable-argument list...
    va_list marker;
    va_start(marker, cArgs);

    if(!pDisp) {
        MessageBox(NULL, L"NULL IDispatch passed to AutoWrap()", L"Error", 0x10010);

    // Variables used...
    DISPPARAMS dp = { NULL, NULL, 0, 0 };
    DISPID dispID;
    HRESULT hr;
    wchar_t buf[200];
    char szName[200];

    // Convert down to ANSI
    WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, ptName, -1, szName, 256, NULL, NULL);

    // Get DISPID for name passed...
    hr = pDisp->GetIDsOfNames(IID_NULL, &ptName, 1, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, &dispID);
    if(FAILED(hr)) {
        wsprintf(buf, L"IDispatch::GetIDsOfNames(\"%s\") failed w/err 0x%08lx", szName, hr);
        MessageBox(NULL, buf, L"AutoWrap()", 0x10010);
        return hr;

    // Allocate memory for arguments...
    VARIANT *pArgs = new VARIANT[cArgs+1];
    // Extract arguments...
    for(int i=0; i<cArgs; i++) {
        pArgs[i] = va_arg(marker, VARIANT);

    // Build DISPPARAMS
    dp.cArgs = cArgs;
    dp.rgvarg = pArgs;

    // Handle special-case for property-puts!
    if(autoType & DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT) {
        dp.cNamedArgs = 1;
        dp.rgdispidNamedArgs = &dispidNamed;

    // Make the call!
    hr = pDisp->Invoke(dispID, IID_NULL, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, autoType, &dp, pvResult, NULL, NULL);
    if(FAILED(hr)) {
        wsprintf(buf, L"IDispatch::Invoke(\"%s\"=%08lx) failed w/err 0x%08lx", szName, dispID, hr);
        MessageBox(NULL, buf, L"AutoWrap()", 0x10010);
        return hr;
    // End variable-argument section...

    delete [] pArgs;

    return hr;

int main()
// Initialize COM for this thread...

   // Get CLSID for our server...
   CLSID clsid;
   HRESULT hr = CLSIDFromProgID(L"Excel.Application", &clsid);

   if(FAILED(hr)) {

      MessageBox(NULL, L"CLSIDFromProgID() failed", L"Error", 0x10010);
      return -1;

   // Start server and get IDispatch...
   IDispatch *pXlApp;
   hr = CoCreateInstance(clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IDispatch, (void **)&pXlApp);
   if(FAILED(hr)) {
      MessageBox(NULL, L"Excel not registered properly", L"Error", 0x10010);
      return -2;

   // Make it visible (i.e. app.visible = 1)

      VARIANT x;
      x.vt = VT_I4;
      x.lVal = 1;
      AutoWrap(DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, NULL, pXlApp, L"Visible", 1, x);

   // Get Workbooks collection
   IDispatch *pXlBooks;
      VARIANT result;
      AutoWrap(DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, &result, pXlApp, L"Workbooks", 0);
      pXlBooks = result.pdispVal;

   // Call Workbooks.Add() to get a new workbook...
   IDispatch *pXlBook;
      VARIANT result;
      AutoWrap(DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, &result, pXlBooks, L"Add", 0);
      pXlBook = result.pdispVal;

   // Create a 15x15 safearray of variants...
   VARIANT arr;
   arr.vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_VARIANT;
      SAFEARRAYBOUND sab[2];
      sab[0].lLbound = 1; sab[0].cElements = rows;
      sab[1].lLbound = 1; sab[1].cElements = cols;
      arr.parray = SafeArrayCreate(VT_VARIANT, 2, sab);

   // Fill safearray with some values...
   for(int i=1; i<=rows; i++)
      for(int j=1; j<=cols; j++)
         // Create entry value for (i,j)
         VARIANT tmp;
         tmp.vt = VT_I4;
         tmp.lVal = i*j;
         // Add to safearray...
         long indices[] = {i,j};
         SafeArrayPutElement(arr.parray, indices, (void *)&tmp);

   // Get ActiveSheet object
   IDispatch *pXlSheet;
      VARIANT result;
      AutoWrap(DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, &result, pXlApp, L"ActiveSheet", 0);
      pXlSheet = result.pdispVal;

   // Get Range object for the Range A1:O15...
   IDispatch *pXlRange;
      VARIANT parm;
      parm.vt = VT_BSTR;
      wchar_t buffer[32];
      wsprintf(buffer, L"%c%d:%c%d", 'A'+0, 1, 'A'+cols-1, rows);
      parm.bstrVal = SysAllocString(buffer);
      //parm.bstrVal = SysAllocString(L"A1:O15");

      VARIANT result;
      AutoWrap(DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, &result, pXlSheet, L"Range", 1, parm);

      pXlRange = result.pdispVal;

   // Set range with our safearray...
   AutoWrap(DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, NULL, pXlRange, L"Value", 1, arr);

   // Wait for user...
   MessageBox(NULL, L"All done.", L"Notice", 0x10000);

   // Set .Saved property of workbook to TRUE so we aren't prompted
   // to save when we tell Excel to quit...
      VARIANT x;
      x.vt = VT_I4;
      x.lVal = 1;
      AutoWrap(DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, NULL, pXlBook, L"Saved", 1, x);

   // Tell Excel to quit (i.e. App.Quit)
   AutoWrap(DISPATCH_METHOD, NULL, pXlApp, L"Quit", 0);

   // Release references...

   // Uninitialize COM for this thread...

    return 0;