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初探kali linux笔记

更新时间:2022-10-14 12:04:00

1、kali linux   安装vmware tools时报错
What is the location of the "gcc" program on your machine?

你点击what is the location of "gcc"program on your machine 然后回车,它会问你:Would you like to change it  注意这项, 
你选 NO  ,输入的方法就是  空格+no  然后它就不会出现那个what is the location of "gcc"program on your machine,

2、kali linux 源

 deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali main non-free contrib
 deb-src http://http.kali.org/kali kali main non-free contrib
 deb http://security.kali.org/kali-security kali/updates main contrib non-free
 deb http://security.kali.org/ kali/updates main contrib non-free
 deb-src http://security.kali.org/ kali/updates main contrib non-free
# 上海交大的源
 #deb http://ftp.sjtu.edu.cn/debian wheezy main non-free contrib
 #deb http://ftp.sjtu.edu.cn/debian wheezy-proposed-updates main non-free contrib
 #deb http://ftp.sjtu.edu.cn/debian-security wheezy/updates main non-free contrib
# 163的源
 #deb http://mirrors.163.com/debian wheezy main non-free contrib
 #deb http://mirrors.163.com/debian wheezy-proposed-updates main non-free contrib
 #deb http://mirrors.163.com/debian-security wheezy/updates main non-free contrib
deb http://archive-6.kali.org/kali kali main non-free contrib
 deb-src http://archive-6.kali.org/kali kali main non-free contrib
 deb http://archive-6.kali.org/kali-security kali/updates main contrib non-free
 deb http://ftp.sjtu.edu.cn/debian wheezy main non-free contrib
 deb-src http://ftp.sjtu.edu.cn/debian wheezy main non-free contrib
 deb http://ftp.sjtu.edu.cn/debian wheezy-proposed-updates main non-free contrib
 deb-src http://ftp.sjtu.edu.cn/debian wheezy-proposed-updates main non-free contrib
 deb http://ftp.sjtu.edu.cn/debian-security wheezy/updates main non-free contrib
 deb-src http://ftp.sjtu.edu.cn/debian-security wheezy/updates main non-free contrib
 deb http://mirrors.163.com/debian wheezy main non-free contrib
 deb-src http://mirrors.163.com/debian wheezy main non-free contrib
 deb http://mirrors.163.com/debian wheezy-proposed-updates main non-free contrib
 deb-src http://mirrors.163.com/debian wheezy-proposed-updates main non-free contrib
 deb-src http://mirrors.163.com/debian-security wheezy/updates main non-free contrib
 deb http://mirrors.163.com/debian-security wheezy/updates main non-free contrib
 deb http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/kali kali main non-free contrib
 deb-src http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/kali kali main non-free contrib
 deb http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/kali-security kali/updates main contrib non-free
 deb http://repo.kali.org/kali kali-bleeding-edge main
 deb-src http://repo.kali.org/kali kali-bleeding-edge main
 deb http://mirrors.aliyun.com/kali kali main non-free contrib
 deb-src http://mirrors.aliyun.com/kali kali main non-free contrib
 deb http://mirrors.aliyun.com/kali-security kali/updates main contrib non-free
 3、更新源文件名  /etc/apt/sources.list
  apt-get update & apt-get upgrade

 apt-get dist-upgrade

 apt-get clean
4、 设置SSH 开机自启动:
  update-rc.d ssh enable

本文转自 tianya1993 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/dreamlinux/1860136,如需转载请自行联系原作者