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C 函数调用:理解“隐式 int"规则

更新时间:2022-10-14 20:38:38

K&R2 涵盖了该语言的 1989/1990 版本.当前发布于 1999 2011 的 ISO C 标准放弃了隐式 int"规则,并要求您调用的任何函数都有可见的声明.默认情况下,编译器不一定强制执行此操作,但您应该能够请求更严格的警告——而且您绝对应该这样做.在写得很好的新代码中,规则是无关紧要的(但要理解它).


double sqrt(double);

如果你写一个调用没有所需的#include <math.h>:

double x = 64.0;双 y = sqrt(x);

C90 编译器将假定 sqrt 返回 int -- 它将生成代码以将结果从 intdouble.结果将是垃圾,或者可能是崩溃.


所以不要那样做.始终包含您调用的任何函数所需的任何标头.如果未声明的函数确实返回 int(并且如果您的编译器不强制执行严格的 C99 或 C11 语义,并且满足其他一些条件),您可能会避免调用未声明的函数,但没有好处这样做的理由.


If "a function" were compiled separately, the mismatch would not be detected, "the function" would return a double that main would treat as an int... In the light of what we have said about how declarations must match definitions this might seems surprising. The reason a mismatch can happen is that if there is no function prototype, a function is implicitly declared by its first appearance in an expression, such as

    sum += "the function"(line);

If a name that has not been previously declared occurs in an expression and is followed by a left parenthesis, it is declared by context to be a function name, the function is assumed to return an int, and nothing is assumed about its arguments.

I apologize beforehand for the ambiguous question, but what does this mean?

By the way this is page 73 chapter 4.3 from Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie's C Programming Language book, 2nd edition.

K&R2 covers the 1989/1990 version of the language. The current ISO C standard, published in 1999 2011, drops the "implicit int" rule, and requires a visible declaration for any function you call. Compilers don't necessarily enforce this by default, but you should be able to request more stringent warnings -- and you definitely should. In well-written new code, the rule is irrelevant (but it is necessary to understand it).

An example: the standard sqrt() function is declared in <math.h>:

double sqrt(double);

If you write a call without the required #include <math.h>:

double x = 64.0;
double y = sqrt(x);

a C90 compiler will assume that sqrt returns int -- and it will generate code to convert the result from int to double. The result will be garbage, or perhaps a crash.

(You could manually declare sqrt yourself, but that's the wrong solution.)

So don't do that. Always include whatever header is required for any function you call. You might get away with calling an undeclared function if it does return int (and if your compiler doesn't enforce strict C99 or C11 semantics, and if a few other conditions are satisfied), but there's no good reason to do so.

Understanding the "implicit int" rule is still useful for understanding the behavior of old or poorly written code, but you should never depend on it in new code.