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什么是C ++的C ++等价物

更新时间:2022-10-15 08:49:14

您可以在方法周围使用 #pragma unmanaged 在本机C ++中。

I'm looking to avoid an overflow in managed C++ (CLI). In C# there is an unchecked keyword, and in C++ overflows do not end up in exceptions.

For reference, unchecked is documented here. Basically if you do:

      int1 = 2147483647 + 10; //this overflows in CLI but is ok in C# and C++

In C# it will not overflow but convert to int by taking the least significant bits. This is appropriate when you compute hash codes for example.

Note: I realize there is no equivalent C++ keyword, but some bit shifting should do the trick;

You can just use #pragma unmanaged around a method to get the normal unchecked behavior in native C++.