
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-10-15 22:50:43


Very similar to this guy

I have envelopes I'm sending out using the API. In our development account there seems to be nothing I can do to stop the docusign envelope id from being stamped onto the document.

According to the API explorer (and the dude who answered the similar question) the field I'm supposed to use is envelopeIdStamping Here I am using it as "false" (because everything is a string), but still getting envelope IDs stamped all over my document.

  "envelopeIdStamping": "false",
  "status": "sent",
  "templateId": "cc728837-af2e-41d0-b696-5b5467d3f986",
  "templateRoles": [
      "email": "email@domain.tld",
      "name": "First Last",
      "roleName": "Role"

That call created my envelope 7d3b98e3-0897-4ec1-a12f-e3ad301616a9 which you can see is still getting stamped.

for fun, I've also tried to use the python sdk to get around it. envelope_definition.envelope_id_stamping = "false" or sending "true" across the wire in case it's a bizarro parameter. i've also just tried false in json or False in Python.

These IDs keep coming, no matter what I do. Send help.

this feature is only available on the account level. Meaning, you can control for ALL envelopes if they're stamped or not, you cannot do that for a specific envelope.