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Azure AD-基本问题

更新时间:2022-10-18 15:03:48





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Hello Experts,

We have an onpremise AD domain with name xyz.com.

So if I understand correct when a subscription is created in Azure, Microsoft will create by default a new Azure AD tenant for this new subscription and I can create additional Azure AD tenent under this.

and than I can sync my On-premise AD accounts to new Azure tenant that I created?

Is this the right way??

Regards, AzureBeginner

Hello AzureJourney

You are absolutely correct. An Azure subscription cannot exist without an associated Azure Active Directory . When you create a Azure Subscription you can either create it using your work ID (user@company.com) or a Microsoft Account i.e. MSA (any live.com, outlook.com or hotmail.com ID) . Depending upon which ID you use a default directory will be created and associated with the azure subscription.

You are exactly right in your thought process. You can sync your on-premise AD accounts to the newly created azure tenant using most commonly used Microsoft Sync engine tool "Azure AD connect."


You can create additional tenants later using your azure subscription as well but at any given point only one directory can be associated with your azure subscription. Please check the following link for further details.  


Hope the above information helps. In case you have any further queries m feel free to let us know and we will surely help you with your queries. If the information provided helps you , please do not forget to mark this as answer to that other forum users could leverage the answer provided. 

We wish you a very happy Christmas!! :) 

Thank you.